
Call for Paper

Call For Papers


CINM aims to step forward in knowledge boundaries in Fashion industry, promoting growth and contributing for the development of companies within this business, by selecting, presenting and discussing all projects proposed by each area and theme.



You find open registration for three types of work:


Articles resulting from either ongoing or rather concluded researches, with a solid bibliographic basis which propose the advance of frontiers in Fashion industry. Researches that can prove or suggest new ideas even if not tested yet, or showing the companies new ways of working on the development and management of brands and products.



Articles resulting from case studies in which the author defines a company with special features that deserve to be studied, in order to achieve conclusions that will enable the Academy to make progress in teaching fashion business, and also teach companies how to apply all knowledge learned by managing their business.

It is expected that the problem is well defined, there must be a bibliographic review pointing the state of art of the subject being studied, a deep research that shows how the company dealt with the problem, a comparison between the pointed procedures in the theory and those adopted by the company, and finally, the conclusion about how the learning process from the Case can be explored by related companies. It is also expected that the author formulates some questions that direct the case application inside graduation and post-graduation classrooms from Management and Fashion courses.


In Fashion Business is not always possible to adjust some works in the traditional scientific methodology, in a way that we lose some opportunities of showing creative works that may contribute for making progress in this knowledge area. So, the possibility of presenting projects in different formats was opened.

To register projects in this section, the author must present an objective formulation of a problem, references and used options to the problem development, materials descriptions and techniques adopted, a final product in the format of a text, images, animation, products, mock-ups, or any other way the author believes appropriate, with conclusions, directions to new experiments and experiences



Works registered in the sections “Articles” and “Case Studies” can have an unlimited number of authors, but at least one of them must have a minimum Doctorate title.

Works registered in the section “Experiments and Experiences” can have maximum two authors with any schooling level.

Even if there is more than one author registered in a work, in order to make it easier, in the text, the word “author” must be used at all times, in singular form.

Works must follow all premises requested in order to be evaluated and accepted.

Works that are not presented after being registered and confirmed will implicate in not having their works/registration accepted in the next two editions of the event.


Articles will be evaluated by the double blind review system by at least to Doctors that belong to Scienctific Comission, who will appreciate the following aspects:

Theme originality (1 point)

Contribution to Fashion Business development (2 points)

Methodology adopted (1 point)

Alignment between Aim and Conclusion (2 points)

Understanding of the text, writing skills (Point 1)

Real application in the Fashion Business (3 points)


Works received can be approved to be presented during the congress, approved with restrictions, so the author will have to give it back to revaluate with all changes requested by the reviewer(s) within the established deadlines, or reproved.


In order to enable us to get deeper in the subjects, there will be a limited number of approvals for each area, counting six works approved to be presented.

They will be classified according to the obtained grade in evaluation, so the first six will be the chosen. If some of these approved works were not registered by its author within the deadline, the next one in classification will be approved. If for some specific subject we don’t have enough works with quality to be approved, the table might be canceled or join another one.




Each work will have 30 minutes to be presented and discussed with the participants from each table-theme. Each table will be conducted by at least two moderators, who will be the link between the work content so it will be possible to reach a conclusion about the main topics discussed, and their application in both Teaching and also Fashion Business Management.




Presentations have been divided into six themes, with two areas being presented in each day during the Congress. Each area suggests themes and questions of great current importance in the way Fashion Business is managed. In spite of we recommend to all applicants try to follow themes suggested, other themes that could be linked in each group can be accepted only if they have any relevant contribution to the related corresponding theme.

Due to Fashion industry characteristics, compound of a great number of small companies and with new joiners, micro-entrepreneurs as majority, sending works directed to micro and small companies is strongly encouraged.


Fashion Business management and Entrepreneurship


  • Paths to entrepreneurs and Fashion ventures
  • Threats and opportunities for micro and small entrepreneurs from Fashion Business
  • New commercial routes and potential markets
  • Taxes and Brazil costs: impact over MPEs
  • Vocation, development and managing APLs Fast Fashion X Slow Fashion
  • Fashion role in a creative economy context
  • Social responsibility and sustainability in managing Fashion companies


Managing Fashion retail


  • Factors of competitive advantages in retail and their impact in business results
  • Technology boosting current retail and also designing the future retail
  • E-Commerce in Fashion applied to micro and small companies
  • Retail shapes to trade Fashion products
  • Marketing relation among Fashion retail companies
  • The role of the buyer and of the stylist in defining trends available for the final consumer
  • Consuming experiences


THEME                                                                                                3

Design management


  • Design as a differential factor in small and medium companies
  • Design incorporation in Fashion companies
  • Local cultures incorporation in Fashion products creation
  • Sustainable actions as a source of competitive advantages in product design and fashion brands


Research and consumer behavior

  • Research methodologies, analysis and previews
  • Consumer markets segmentation
  • Consumer and fashion consume in the future
  • Fashion research, markets and trends
  • Anthropology and sociology in fashion consume
  • Trends X updates in consume profiles
  • Lifestyle as a product, communication and/or brand


Fashion communication management

  • Business image composition through communication
  • Media formats integration for an effective communication
  • Producing and promoting events: past, present and future
  • Digital communication and social networks boosting brands and products
  • Technological innovations developing Visual Merchandising



Fashion Brands Management

  • Brand positioning as a point of differentiation
  • Semiotics as a factor of communication in fashion brands
  • Evaluation and appreciation of fashion brands
  • Brand portfolio management
  • Brand management in micro and small companies


All works must be designed in a very objective and clear language. They cannot be in parallel evaluation in any other events or other ways of release.

Paper size: A4 (29,7 cm X 21 cm)


Superior margin = 3cm; inferior margin = 2cm, left margin = 3 cm and right margin = 2 cm;

Space: simple (between characters, words and lines)


Page numbers: 15 maximum, excluding summary and abstract, key-words (5 maximum), illustrations, references and final notes of the end of the text.



All articles can be sent in Portuguese or in English forwarded through CINM website (www.cinm.org.br). Articles submitted with authors identification in the text will be automatically disregarded once they stop the “blind review” system evaluating process.


When your work is approved for publication, the author will be notified by email and will receive a letter for the authorial rights assignment and allowance to publication in electronic medias, which must be filled in by each one of the authors of the work. The letter must be signed, scanned and sent by mail.


It is also necessary to send a brief CV from each author, which must include full name, academic title, institution, city, state and country, besides areas of interest in research, full address and email.

Organização, Apoio e Patrocinadores Instituto Brasileiro de Moda Instituto Brasileiro da Moda